Now let's bring the Life of the Party and see how fast we can all get to the point where we can say we have "Gone Crazy." Unwritten Rulz, a renowned, award-winning band with their own powerfully moving originals brings you Life of the Party promising to make your head bob and your soul to move. Their influences will be easily heard but the way the music hits you will be unique and one-of-a-kind.
Opening the EP is "Disappeared," just to get things started and warmed up.
Forcing you up and out of your chair, getting you moving and driving the sound
of their powerful music deep within you. The EP steadily picks up as it moves
through "Gone Crazy" and "Hey Girl" and then opens up into the dark side with
"Chamber." "Stay Away" and the EPs namesake "Life of the Party" close out the
album with powerful beats and dark lyrics.
With hard and heavy beats, powerful driving guitars, melodic vocals and a
heavy thumping bass, Unwritten Rulz brings its own unique
personality to the metal scene. Bringing all the influences of dozens of good
bands together, these five friends take their talent and will leave a mark on
any metal lover. Life of the Party is a definite must have and will
play over and over in your mind long after the music stops.
By: Adam AJ Janes
Keep it Metal promotions
Wes Helton: Vocals
Richard: Guitars
Bryon: Lead Guitar
Tod: Bass, Vocals
Patrick: Percussion & Concussions