I sit here listening to the album for the second go around, wandering how to describe the sound that Vlad in Tears creates in their 4th album "Vlad in Tears." Emotionally charged, poetic brilliance, permanently stuck in my head, Vlad in Tears presents a solid blend of dark rock and metal.
Driving to find a place in your head, "Run or Fight" reaches out and grabs your attention, leading you through several unique head-bangers. The album takes a softer turn with several impassioned ballads that brings light to the bands "quieter" side. "Vlad in Tears" opens the door to this twist and leads you through an exciting, emotional ride inwards while still driving the body to keep moving to the beat.
So if your looking for an emotionally charged, head-bangers delight of a band, German based Vlad in Tears is a must. I for one am looking forward to hearing more from these guys and I know that "Feed on Me" and "Fade Away" will be playing over and over in my head tomorrow as I go about my day.
Adam ( AJ ) Janes
Keep it Metal promotions
Kris Vlad ( Vocals )
D. Vlad ( Bass )
Gregor Friday ( Guitars )
Cosmo Cadar ( Drums )
Look for VLAD IN TEARS on these sites
MORDHORST MUSIC : office@mordhorst-music.com